Yeva Margaryan M.D, M.PH

Yeva Margaryan M.D., M.PH is a Solid Tumor MDT Coordinator at the Hematology Center after Professor R. Yeolyan. The list of her responsibilities includes the organization of training for doctors, nurses, and parents of the patients in Armenia and beyond. Yeva is also a Youth Ambassador of ECAC at the Association of European Cancer Leagues. She is actively participating in cancer prevention projects, which aim to increase the awareness of 12 cancer prevention recommendations of ECL. Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. My views on this website are not to be viewed as personal medical advice but rather for the purpose of general knowledge and to share my experiences. You are strongly advised to speak to your own physician for medical advice before acting on any of the recommendations on this website.


How Dementia Affects Physical Health

How Dementia Affects Physical Health Introduction When you know someone who has been diagnosed with dementia you’ll notice not only a deterioration in their mental health but, unfortunately, also their physical wellbeing too. Dementia is a progressing, chronic disease, which mainly affects the elderly. The main manifestation of the latter disease is the impairment of

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